Zion Reisen – Bikeshuttle, Bus & long-distance travelling

Bus Traveling in the Alps

Here you can find the routes of our daily shuttles - choose and book online. If the appropriate route is not included, you can also request a single-ride without obligation.

Start right now:

We are currently on a break - our shuttles will be back for you starting from 2025-05-05. You can, of course, book for it already.


Get home safely with the best comfort on board.

Hike or bike trip planned over the Alps and found nothing for the return transport yet?
Our shuttles, an alternative to bus and train.

We offer bikeshuttles and passenger shuttles between Venice, Lake Garda, Merano, Bolzano to Oberstdrof and Munich - on time, inexpensive and every day.

Every day our buses run between Italy (Venice, Verona, Lake Garda, Meran) and Germany (Bavaria). Simply choose a shuttle, book conveniently and directly with the provider and the journey can begin. Here you will find more detailed information about our shuttles.

* Discounts for families and groups up from 3 people! Book now and save 5% off for 3 people.

Look at our shuttle rides

Not found the right shuttle yet?

In addition to our shuttles, we also offer individual rides and bring you and your loved ones to their destination throughout Europe and back safely.

We offer our guests a first class and professional Single rides service within the area of South Tyrol and beyond. Keywords such as safety, speed or reliability define our standards. We will bring you to your destination where and whenever you want.

Request a Single rides ride right now!

Just ask for a non-binding Single ride via our form.

Right this way

Last-Minute Offers.

Request right now and get yourself one of the last seats on coaches running from and to southern Germany, Austria and northern Italy.

Get your free offer now

But still several days on the road?

No matter if you plan school trips with your class mates, holidays with family, pilgrimages or city breaks with friends, we are happy to accompany you for several days anywhere you wish.

Zion Reisen is your travel expert for comfort travel, whether you aim only day trips or even multi-day trips. Our trained chauffeurs will bring you to your desired destination with great pleasure - just hop on and enjoy!

Request a tour right now!

Create your own journey with our travel planner and make an inquiry without obligation.

Right this way

These are our strengths

You can rely on us - our drivers and knowledgeable tour guides will take care of you and your loved ones throughout the entire journey.

Zion Reisen - 20 years experience in the field of bus travel

20 years experience

Zion Reisen - Motivated team

Maximum comfort

Zion Reisen - quality care

Satisfied costumers